Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Join my new 30-day challenge for a fitter, healthier and happier you

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Join my new 30-day challenge for a fitter, healthier and happier you

TODAY, Wednesday September 26, we celebrate National Fitness Day!  Its aim is to inspire the UK to move for one day because exercise has so many health and wellness benefits that extend far beyond just weight loss. That’s me in the picture, by the way, doing my morning workout on my uncle’s farm in Ireland during the summer 🙂

The benefits of regular exercise are fabulous: As well as controlling your weight, it cuts your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. It also strengthens your bones and muscles and improves your mental health, confidence and mood.

However at Slimpod HQ we’re going one step further than a fitness day and I want to inspire you to move consistently for a month!

Today I’m launching a new 30-day fitness challenge and I’d love you to be part of it!  If you’re in our Slimpod Club private group on Facebook you’ll know we’re in the last week of a 70-day fitness challenge and there’s been some amazing transformations from people who have simply been consistent with their exercise.

Watch out for the new Slimpod Club accountability thread for the 30-day challenge.

If you’re not in Slimpod Club then please use this blog post as your accountability thread. Post a comment every day to share your progress with others – and I’ll monitor how you’re getting on and hold you accountable.

It’s easy – just set yourself a daily goal. It could a be distance to walk or run. It could be a number of strength exercises to achieve, such as squats, press-ups or sit-ups.

Set an alarm on your phone every 50 mins to remind you to get up and move for the next 10 mins, even if it’s walking round the kitchen or your office desk.

Remember the Slimpod message – all movement is exercise!

To give you motivation, here’s a video from Caroline, one of our lovely ladies.  She’s got a very inspirational message for you.

And here’s some inspiring words and pictures from Slimpodder Janet: “Eighteen months ago I wasn’t very active, just a bit of Zumba for a wiggle and a giggle. Then I started Slimpod…

“Straight away it encouraged me to move more. I started walking, doing two to three miles a couple of times a week – plus the Zumba.

“This summer I took up the Slimpod 70-day Challenge and with a friend from Zumba I started hill walking. What an amazing change!

“We do up to 15 miles a day and it challenges my legs, heart and breathing. I love it! I’m fitter, healthier, stronger and happier.

“I’ve dropped two dress sizes and my body is more toned, flexible and supple. When I’m out on the hills I feel good, happy and relaxed all at the same time.

I have loved every challenge I’ve set myself. So do take up the new 30-day challenge, even if you only start by walking to the end of the road. Gradually build things up from there. Come on – let’s do it!”

Let me know with a comment below that you’re getting involved in the new 30-day challenge. Let’s smash this together 🙂

The post Join my new 30-day challenge for a fitter, healthier and happier you appeared first on Slimpod.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

You just gotta have faith if you’re going to achieve your goals

Do you believe in your weight loss goals? Do you believe you’ll achieve them? How often do you set off wanting to drop a size or two but deep down inside you feel it’s a lost cause?
In this video I explain why so many people have no faith in their goals and how that limiting belief may be preventing you from losing the weight you’re so desperate to shift.

The post You just gotta have faith if you’re going to achieve your goals appeared first on Slimpod.

You just gotta have faith if you’re going to achieve your goals

from Twitter