How daily small wins magically lead on to achieving a big goal
— sosnicaragua (@sosnicaragua) October 15, 2018
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How daily small wins magically lead on to achieving a big goal
— sosnicaragua (@sosnicaragua) October 15, 2018
HABITS give us the results we want but the real reason habits matter is that each action you take is like a vote for the person you want to become. And we become what we repeatedly do. Small daily actions and small wins take you towards your goal, enabling and empowering you to form good eating and lifestyle habits which will result in sustainable weight loss.
And this is where the importance of small wins comes in. Small wins help you feel like you’re accomplishing something. Focus too much on the big goal and you’ll feel like you’ll never get there. Small wins motivate you to keep on going – and eventually that big goal is reached.
I always tell people on my Slimpod programme to jot down three small wins at the end of the day that stand out as being a bit different and could be attributed to their Slimpod.
I call this a Success Log and I’ve made mine out of a lovely journal I’ve kept over the years. The differences can be improvements about your eating, your movement or the way you’re feeling. How you’re feeling is fundamentally important to your weight loss journey because that’s what’s going to give you the fuel to keep going!
An inspiring Success Log
The Success Log is based on a psychological principle called priming and this is about letting your brain know you have something important for it to notice. So by writing down the good things that are happening in your day, this encourages your brain to notice more of them.
It’s one of the golden rules of the brain. The more you notice, the more you will. Think about this for a moment. If you’re thinking about changing your car and getting a new one in red, suddenly all you see every day is red cars.
What’s on your mind is brought to mind. Same with food. If you’re spending your day thinking about your next meal, food is what occupies every waking moment.
So you have to retrain your brain to notice things that will move your focus of attention to things that are healthier for you and the Success Log is part of that process.
We all lead such busy lives and unless you stop and think about your wins and positives they’re likely to go unnoticed. Seeing is believing!
Do let me know about your small wins by leaving a comment below. I love reading about all your successes!
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