How to change the script of your life that causes self-sabotage
— sosnicaragua (@sosnicaragua) January 27, 2020
from Twitter
How to change the script of your life that causes self-sabotage
— sosnicaragua (@sosnicaragua) January 27, 2020
I’VE been helping people to lose weight for over a decade and there’s one thing I learned early on which has never changed: If you fear that you won’t lose weight, then you probably never will.
My Boot Camp video this week is all about lack of self-belief and how that can lead to self-sabotage.
Once the rot sets in, you can so easily get trapped in a downward spiral that really holds you back.
The more time goes on, the more you’ll continue to believe that you can’t lose weight.
And you’ll then start finding lots of reasons to back up your limiting thoughts.
You must face this self-doubt or it will control you for ever. Here’s my video this week:
** So many of the beliefs around your weight have started in childhood or teenage years, and they create an idea that over time becomes an ingrained self-limiting belief.
** Believe in yourself. I want you to have courage, trust yourself and have faith that you can bash through your self-doubt. The mind and body are linked. Our thoughts really matter.
** Give yourself kind messages and be nice to your body. It will respond and let go of the fat it’s been storing for years and the coat of armour it’s been using to protect itself for so long.
Take a few quiet moments to think about your life and the story you’ve been telling yourself for years.
What’s the pattern of behaviour that keeps you stuck?
What are the beliefs you’ve adopted that need to be changed for you to move on?
How would you change the script, the story that you keep playing over and over again?
I’ve had so many positive comments about the Boot Camp that I’m giving you a bonus – an extra week of help and advice. Watch out for my Boot Camp bonus next week.
Drop me a comment below and tell me if you suffer from limiting beliefs about your weight and/or your self-sabotage. Would love to know if my video has helped you in some way!
The post How to change the script of your life that causes self-sabotage appeared first on Slimpod.
Now start seeing food as fuel that feeds your daily needs
— sosnicaragua (@sosnicaragua) January 20, 2020
I hope you’re enjoying my January Boot Camp series so far! If you’re new to my programme then it’s still possible to take part. The past couple of weeks’ videos are below this one and it’s not too late to jump on board with the action!
As you know, the Slimpod programme is totally different to anything else you’ll have done in the past. We work on getting your mind in the right place to help you think and feel differently about food.
This means that with this programme you work at a deeper level and build more solid foundations so that the things that have held you back in the past no longer happen and you can move forward.
This is about Project YOU and this week’s video is all about food – but not in the way you think!
There’s so much confusion about food and what we eat has taken on all sorts of labels and meanings, when really the only thing food should be doing is supplying the nutrition necessary to feed our body’s daily needs !
And as promised last time, this week I also give tips on how to deal with fears and anxieties which may be holding you back – especially fear of failure.
It’s all here for you:
** Weight loss is just as much a mental challenge as a physical one – getting stable foundations is crucial!
** There’s so much confusion surrounding food when it should be so easy! Food takes on all sorts of meanings and labels but it shouldn’t be like this at all.
** We should be thinking of food as something that purely serves the nutritional requirements of our bodies for health, energy and wellbeing.
** How to reframe your fears and stop self-sabotage. Transform your negative thinking into something that will serve you well! There’s no failure – just feedback! Use this as your mantra from now on!
It really couldn’t be simpler! Keep listening to your Slimpod every day, go with the flow and give it the chance to do its work for you. Keep watching the videos, too.
Please let me know how you’re doing and how you get on this week with the tasks I’ve set you so far. Leave a comment below.
I love reading them all – and I know other Slimpodders find them inspiring.
The post Now start seeing food as fuel that feeds your daily needs appeared first on Slimpod.
With Slimpod you can finally overcome your fears and succeed
— sosnicaragua (@sosnicaragua) January 13, 2020
The thing I’ve noticed most during over a decade of helping people to lose weight is that after a few weeks of beginning the latest “new thing’”, the excitement and buzz wear off and fear and panic set in.
The destructive little voice in your head starts up again: “You’ll never succeed” or “You always fail, what’s so different this time?” or “What if I don’t lose weight?” or “What will people think if I fail again?”
Well, if this happens to you, I can tell you that you’re not alone. This is such a common thing and it can be stopped.
You CAN overcome fear and succeed.
You CAN turn fear on its head and get freedom from food and be in control.
And believe me, it’s transformational when you do! It’s what I talk about in today’s video.
I also talk about food and your full signal – it’s a must-watch video!
** If you have a fear of failing you really must take action. Goals shouldn’t be obstacles, they should be things that allow you to measure your success and progress on to the next level.
** Motivation is paralysed by fear. Decide what you want from the world and go get it. We don’t have to be held back by our minds.
** Task one: Spend time thinking about whether your fears are holding you back.
** Task two: While you’re eating this week, put down your phone, close your laptop and switch off the TV. Enjoy the food and listen for your full signal!
Three things you need when losing weight
I lost 28lbs and learned to love myself
Please let me know how you’re doing and how you get on this week with the tasks I’ve set you. Leave a comment below.
I love reading them all – and I know other Slimpodders find them inspiring.
The post With Slimpod you can finally overcome your fears and succeed appeared first on Slimpod.
Take these simple steps and start thinking like a slimmer person
— sosnicaragua (@sosnicaragua) January 6, 2020
Happy New Year and a very warm welcome to my new year Boot Camp! Yes, it’s time to shake off the cobwebs and get 2020 off to a great start! And here’s the thing: This Boot Camp is different. It’s like nothing you’ve done before because we don’t just focus on food and exercise.
Living a healthy life and achieving sustainable weight loss are more of a mental challenge than just a physical one. So we focus on getting your mind in a place to enable lasting change.
This Boot Camp will be full of valuable tips to empower you to think like a slimmer person, because this is the life-changing bit! No more falling off the wagon – how good will that feel?!
Here’s the first video – enjoy!
** The three pillars of this programme are listening, watching and noting the all important wins . Daily repetition is the key to success.
** The extra very important task is to work on your goal. What do you REALLY want to achieve in 2020? Think deeply about this and make it meaningful.
** Create your own goal map with my friend Brian Mayne’s free goalmapping system
** Avoid using the scales as your measure of success. Take yourself out to the future – to next Christmas – how do you want to feel? What size clothes would you like to be in?
** Think about your health, especially if you have diabetes or other conditions. What would you like to achieve?
** Above all – think LONG TERM! This is crucial because we’re all about long term success here, and a major shift in the way you think about yourself. This is what brings contentment and sustainable weight loss.
I’ll be posting a video every Monday throughout January and we’ll be very active in Slimpod Club, so look out for the special Boot Camp thread.
Slimpod Club is all about positivity, inspiration, encouragement and support.
If you need any tech help with your programme or have any problems simply email customerservices@
If you’re not a member of Slimpod Club, join in by commenting below and showing me you’re part of it.
Enjoy the Boot Camp series and let me know how you get on!
The post Take these simple steps and start thinking like a slimmer person appeared first on Slimpod.