Monday, January 25, 2021

Winning the day will keep your weight loss moving!

from Twitter

Winning the day will keep your weight loss moving!

winning the day

I DON’T know about you but I’m finding this lockdown the hardest one yet.  So many people are saying the same – even the most positive of people who are used to winning the day are finding it a struggle getting out of bed some days.  It’s literally groundhog day every day.

I spoke to a lady last week who was doing so well with her wonderful new lifestyle habits, had dropped two sizes and was feeling SO motivated.

Her new way of eating and exercise had become wonderful feelgood habits, she was loving it – until the January lockdown happened and then she felt something stopped.

It was like a light in her brain had been turned off. She became so apathetic and the motivation was sucked out of her soul.

Then fear of failure reared its ugly head and she panicked. 

She was paralysed with worry that she’d lost the magic and all her fabulous new habits were going to be undone.  She felt she was going backwards.

She’s absolutely not alone.  I know so many people in the same boat and this week I want to help you stop this and get you moving forward and happy again.

First of all, if this is happening to you, I want to assure you that you’re really not going mad and that this can totally be solved!

Let’s stop fear in its tracks!  Weight loss shouldn’t be a fearful experience, but the fear has been created because of years and years of battling with food and diets.

Slimming club weigh-ins cause a lot of anxiety because you get worried about whether you’ve “lost” weight and whether you’ll feel humiliated.

Throughout the years layers and layers of anxieties and worries build up and become so big that it eventually means the very mention of losing weight brings on anxiety.

And then there’s fear of self-sabotage or falling off the wagon –  you begin worrying about whether you’ll fall off the wagon before it actually happens and then it becomes inevitable because you can’t get it off your mind. 

Other people worry why they’re not losing weight as quick as they’d hoped, but then give up and stop losing weight altogether because it’s easier that way!  Fear of failure can be a deep-rooted fear.

But fear is a mind game and we’ve never taught ourselves to deal with it.  The motive behind fear is avoidance.

Keep winning the day

winning the day

Fear doesn’t help you commit to something – it stops you succeeding.  Fear stops you challenging yourself.

So the trick is to master your fear because that’s the greatest leap towards freedom and lasting weight loss.

Just think about what fear has cost you in your life because if you worry about not losing weight, I’m betting you’ll also worry and have fears about other things too.

If you had more courage and less fear, what would you do? Just imagine what that would do to your motivation! If fear is winning in your life, it’s because you keep choosing it over courage, bravery and strength.  When you’re trying to lose weight and something causes you to be fearful, you have a choice. 

You can cave into the fear or you can be strong and get past it.

The greatest battles in life are between fear and freedom. Either fear wins or freedom wins.

How many times have you run away from something uncomfortable rather than looking past it for the possibilities, potential and freedom?

Keep winning the day

What about if the next time you were confronted with the fear you stayed strong – what’s the worst that can happen?  Make a decision now to stop letting your fears win.

You don’t have to be a slave to your history. You can be free.

The great efforts to move life forward comes down to one moment in time when we interrupt the fear and activate our freedom by choosing to think and feel differently.

Yes, it’s about choice!  We all have a choice.  We don’t have to be held hostage by our own minds!

Make decisions and choices that will take you forward into believing and trusting new things. All you need to do is know it’s possible.   Don’t let your fears define who you are.

So your task this week is to think about whether fear of failure has sabotaged your weight loss in the past – and now confront it.

Don’t let it win this time.

Keep winning the day

winning the day

So many of us are doing ridiculous hours and home schooling, too.  We’re stressed and that isn’t helping either.

But please take care of YOU in all this.  Be realistic about what you want to achieve in the short term.  Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals.

Take one day at a time. And take one baby step at a time, too.

Set small goals you can achieve within 24 hours.

Get involved in the motivational challenges that are running nin Slimpod Club.

Success at the moment is all about winning the day!

Join me on our main Slimpod for weight loss page for a Facebook Live on Tuesday January 26) at 7.30pm UK time, when I’ll be doing a deeper dive into all this and I’ll be helping you to stop self-sabotage in its tracks!

I’m also live on Instagram on Wednesday at 7pm.

If you’re a Slimpodder who’s not on Facebook or Instagram, there’s free Zoom support especially for you. Join Kate this Wednesday at 10am at

Tell me below if you know what stops you from succeeding and I’ll make sure I discuss it on an upcoming live 😊

And by the way, the lady at the start of the story has taken back control and will be telling her story soon!  I do love a happy ending! 😊

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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Stop falling off the wagon and keep your weight loss going

from Twitter

Stop falling off the wagon and keep your weight loss going

IF you started the New Year full of good intentions to commit to Project YOU but now find yourself struggling to stay motivated, you are not alone.

The thing I’ve noticed most during over a decade of helping people to lose weight is that after a few weeks the excitement and buzz wear off and fear and panic set in.

So many people then start blaming themselves for sabotaging their own weight-loss journey. They say:

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Why can’t I just do this?”

“What’s my problem?”

The destructive little voice in their head starts up again:

“You’ll never succeed”

“You always fail, what’s so different this time?”

“What if I don’t lose weight?”

“What will people think if I fail again?”

Well, if this happens to you, I can tell you that you’re not alone, and it’s not your fault.

I’ve created this video on The Slimpod Channel to give you some helpful guidance:

How to stop falling off the wagon

The first thing to do is stop blaming yourself. Negativity and self-sabotage are common problems but they CAN be stopped.

This has probably been happening over and over again for many years because things that you’ve put your trust in have let you down.

But it becomes a huge stumbling block for so many people.

So I thought I’d explain why people do this  because I think i will help you to stay on track.

It’s well documented that people who follow diets or other strict eating regimes only last about four or five weeks,  if they’re lucky, and then they stop. This is mostly because they’re depriving themselves and their brain has said “I’ve had ENOUGH.”

If you do this repeatedly – and the majority of people do – it  becomes a destructive habit and creates a negative anchor.

This destructive “giving up” habit is why people fail at dieting because you lose motivation and it just becomes too much effort – mainly because you’re depriving yourself of the food you enjoy and then you naturally want those things more.

How to stop falling off the wagon

BUT the great news is that falling off the wagon doesn’t happen when you’re on a Slimpod because unlike diets there’s no wagon to fall off.

The programme is actually working with your mind not against it and if you’re one of those people who constantly stops a weight loss effort after four weeks, then please be assured that this is something completely different and you really don’t have to repeat that behaviour any more.

You see, around this point in a traditional weight loss programme the old behaviour creeps in because it’s conditioned behaviour and people just can’t help repeating the cycle.

This deep-rooted conditioning really frustrates me because I hate seeing the repercussions.

SO if you think this is happening to you, the most important thing you need to do now is to keep listening to your Slimpod every day.

The people who do this come out the other end and feel great because they know they’re on the road to lasting weight loss – and you can be one of those people, too.

Watch me live for more guidance

I’ll be on Facebook this evening at 7.30 talking about how to stop falling off the wagon! Tomorrow night I’ll be on Instagram at 7pm .

Do leave me a comment below AND on YouTube after you’ve watched the video on The Slimpod Channel. Please help me spread the word by smashing the YouTube Like and Share buttons.

By the way, if you hit the Subscribe button on The Slimpod Channel as well you’ll get priority notification every time I post a new video.



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Monday, January 11, 2021

Slimpod’s put me in control and my full signal has returned

from Twitter

Slimpod’s put me in control and my full signal has returned

I ALWAYS like to use my blog to give you a boost when you need it most – and I think this is one of those times!  You’ll absolutely LOVE the interview I have for you this week.

Sarah Shakespeare is part of our Slimpod community and is constantly making us all smile with her warmth and fabulous sense of humour!

But that’s not all.

We’ve all witnessed the physical changes in her since she started Slimpod on July 7, 2020.  On that day she weighed 17st 1lb.  Now she weighs 13 stone.  Her waist measurement has reduced from 41 inches to 32 inches!

But just as importantly, she FEELS great and is brimming with health, vitality and confidence!

Here’s Sarah’s video, which is on The Slimpod Channel on YouTube. Click on her image to start the video (and please help by hitting the Like and Share buttons!)

Sarah says: “I inhaled food, I didn’t even enjoy it. So I thought I’d try Slimpod because I had nothing to lose.

“Today my relationship with food is totally different. Food is fuel and I eat when I need to eat. The best thing is that my full signal is back and that’s what Slimpod has given me.

“I’m mentally better than ever before. I’m sleeping well, looking after myself and feeling good about me.

“Slimpod has given me control over what I eat and how I feel about food and life. I’m no longer obsessed with weighing myself all the time – today I went to weigh myself for the first time in weeks and I couldn’t even find the scales!”

So for a large shot of inspiration and motivation, watch this video – I guarantee it will put a smile on your face!

Please leave a comment below to let me know what you think of Sarah’s story. I love reading them all.




The post Slimpod’s put me in control and my full signal has returned appeared first on Slimpod.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Weight loss goals that work – my three top tips for setting them

from Twitter

Weight loss goals that work – my three top tips for setting them

weight loss goals that work

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  This is a very special January for me because TEN years ago I launched Slimpod to the world!  Can’t quite believe it!

When I set out in 2011 I felt there was something huge I needed to share with the world.

I felt passionate about releasing people from the torment of years and years of dieting which led to failure frustration, hopelessness and despair.

I knew I could help people with diabetes and do something to reverse the obesity crisis.

I had a system which would enable people to take back control and trust themselves to make healthier food choices therefore lose the need to rely on diets or food plans.

I’m all about personal empowerment and freedom of choice. My dream was – and still is – to enable people to be happy, confident and be full of hope.

I want them to be guilt-free, gain freedom over their food choices and take back control over their appetite. I want people to feel proud of themselves and feel beautiful from the inside out.

Ten years ago I set my first major goal and that was to partner with the NHS and I’m so proud to say I’ve been doing that for the past four years.

I’m a serious goals fan because when done properly they really work – I know I wouldn’t have achieved what I have done if I hadn’t set goals, which are proven to work.

Setting weight loss goals that work

If you set weight loss goals that work, the hugely powerful  subconscious mind loves them.  When done properly they activate the part of your brain called the Reticular Activating system which is effectively a goal seeking missile!

But I know a lot of people have limiting beliefs and fears around goal setting so I’m addressing this and much more in my video today.

Learn how to set weight loss goals that work (and while you’re on The Slimpod Channel, please help me spread the word about weight loss by hitting the Like and Share buttons. To get priority notification of new videos, also hit the Subscribe button):

weight loss goals that work

In our private Slimpod Club group on Facebook, we’re kicking off the 10 year anniversary celebrations today with a Jumpstart January challenge!

If you’re not a member of the group and need some motivation to boot out the old year and kickstart 2021,  join the group and take part in the challenge!

Over 500 people in Slimpod Club have already said they’re taking part and it will be a lot of fun!

Also join me on my live chats this week when I’ll be doing a deeper dive into weight loss goals that work and things that might be stopping you from setting them.

I’ll be live on Instagram on Tuesday at 7pm, on our public Slimpod for Weight loss Facebook page on Tuesday at 7.30 and in our private Slimpod Club as usual at 8pm on Wednesday.

Let me know below if you’re a goalsetting fan!  Also let me know if you have limiting beliefs around the whole subject of weight loss goals that work and I’ll make sure I’ll use the feedback to help you by discussing the topics on my live chats.

If you’re not already a Slimpod user, learn how you can Try Slimpod Free For 10 Days in my no-risk, no-obligation trial!

The post Weight loss goals that work – my three top tips for setting them appeared first on Slimpod.