Statistics prove that people struggle to stay on eating plans, diets and challenges for longer than four weeks before they lose motivation and fall off the wagon. But of course the Slimpod programme is different. There’s no wagon to fall off!
Yes, it’s true! But the thing is, a lot of people find this concept quite difficult to comprehend.
They find it hard to believe because they’ve spent their adult lives on and off the dieting wagon and their minds default to failing behaviour.
And believe me, it’s really easy to start thinking like this. But it’s not your fault because it’s your mind doing what it’s always done. Remember, losing weight is just as much of a mental challenge as a physical one.
And this is why every week I host Facebook Lives – to help people stay on track.
One of the key ways to stay on track and stay motivated is to remember that a weight loss journey is full of ups and downs.
Nobody will tell you it’s all a bed of roses. Just like life isn’t a bed of roses.
Stress stops us in our tracks
Right now the challenge of things happening in the world around us is causing so much stress and people are having difficulty controlling their eating as a result.
Stress hijacks the brain and we need to take action to help to prevent this happening because it stops us in our tracks!
The Slimpod Summer20 challenge is really just the beginning of a process. The thing that will keep you motivated is when you consistently follow the process and ingrain new exciting habits.
This was posted in our Slimpod Club by Catherine, one of our lovely podders, and I got her permission to share because I LOVE the way she described her journey.
I’m nearing the end of 27 weeks – 6 months of Slimpod. Yes, it’s a record for me and one huge win!!
Someone asked me this week how I stay motivated and this made me think how it’s easy to only see the best bits of people.
The truth is I’ve struggled a lot from time to time with motivation – I’m sure we all have (or will) from time to time. Just as we can’t expect it to be sunny every day, we can’t expect that every day will be a ‘good’ day.
But there is one big difference with Slimpod.
With previous attempts at losing weight I’ve always done really well for a few weeks, or even months but every time (especially just when things were going really well) I’ve hit a wall, thrown in the towel, fallen off the wagon and gone back to square one.
Second attempts on any diet regime never work for me – I can never get that same excitement and impetus back as the first time so, off I go, in search of the next big thing.
But Slimpod has no towel to throw in, no wagon to fall off, no wall to hit. There’s no square one to go back to.
I picture the Slimpod journey as a path. Sometimes, as I wander along, I may come across a bench to sit on for a while or a distraction that keeps me in place for a bit (maybe a carousel, I’m a sucker for those!).
When things have been really ‘bad’ I imagine that I have wandered off the path completely – but I always keep it in sight and I know it’s there to come back to when I am ready.
There have been times when I’ve been heading back the way I came, but that’s ok too because I’m still on the path – all I need to do is stop, check the (goal) map and get myself in the right direction.
One. Step. In. Front. Of. The. Other.
That way I know I’ll reach my destination. Eventually.
So, when you see people post and you wonder how they maintain momentum, remember that they don’t all the time!
Sometimes we all need a little push. Lots of experienced podders (myself included) choose not to post about the ‘bad’ times until they are over because, at those times, we need some quiet time to reflect and wander about a bit, to check the map and make our way back to the path.
We really are all in this together and we really can all reach that destination – even if our path takes longer than others because everyone’s journey will be different.
Staying motivated thanks to good habits
I really feel Catherine’s post is such a wonderful description of how life is when you’re not defaulting to the way you used to be.
Success comes from the daily actions you take and that’s how habits are created. Habits plus practice equals mastery.
Good habits are worth mastering because they change your life. Every four weeks or so we need to take time out to reflect on what we’ve achieved and what needs tweaking a little.
This is crucial. Because that’s how you’ll get to your destination.
And yes, sometimes it will feel like nothing is happening or you’ve gone off track.
But that’s the time to jump straight back on the path, keep calm and carry on!
Make sure you join me live tomorrow (Tuesday June 23) at 7.30pm UK time on the main Thinking Slimmer Facebook page where I’ll be talking about staying motivated.
Please leave a comment below to let me know how things are going for you and whether you’re up for staying motivated!
The post This is the one of the keys to staying motivated and keeping on track appeared first on Slimpod.
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